
Soothing Scents

How Aromatherapy Can Regulate Your Nervous System

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“I need something to calm me down quick!”

“I don’t have the focus right now to do a meditation!”

“I don’t have the capacity right now for a somatic exercise, journaling, … fill in the blank”

Sound familiar? Yeah … me too.

There are SO many AMAZING nervous system regulations tools out there, many are simple and easy to implement with profound benefits! 

However, when you need a quick fix, or if wanting to ENHANCE the benefits of the regulatory tools you are already implementing, remember your sense of…


Smell?! Really?


“Our sense of smell is a powerful tool to help build resiliency and open the window of tolerance in today’s fast paced world.” —Holly Brandenberger R.N. & Licensed Aromatherapist

How do Aromas Help Me?

Our sense of smell (olfactory system) is located in the same part of our brain as our limbic system (the part of brain involved in our behavioral and emotional responses).

So when we breathe in an aroma, it can spark a series of different reactions within us. 

👃 It can bring back a memory. 
👃 It can calm us down. 
👃 It can excite or energize us. 
👃 It can help orient us, bring us into the present. 
👃 It can help us focus. 

This is where aromatherapy comes in, and what aromatherapy is all about.

The Science Behind Aromatherapy and the Nervous System

Studies have shown through inhalation, aromatherapy can help in regulating our nervous system in these ways:

  • Increase HRV and improve vagal tone
  • Increase parasympathetic nervous system activity
  • Increase deep slow wave sleep
  • Influence neurotransmitters and change brain wave patterns on EEG’s thereby regulating mood
  • Decrease anxiety, reduce stress and promote wellbeing

WOW! Awesome right?!

So … does it matter WHAT aromas/scents I smell in?

Yes. There is a lot of science behind all of this, but let’s keep things simple.

Working with Your State of Being

Some scents, or essential oils, can be “up-regulating” to the nervous system—think giving you energy and boosting your mood—great when you’re feeling a little low or numb. 

While some aromas can be calming and grounding—or “down-regulating”—great for when we’re amped up feeling overwhelmed or anxious. 

When you are working on building your robust and flexible nervous system, you want that steady calm energy right? 

Best feeling in the world! 

You want to have energy and be happy, but not so excited it can spark feelings of anxiety. 

The aim should be to feel calm and grounded. A stable, easy energy to feel like you have a handle on things. 

THIS is the feeling I strive for the most—grounded energy.

Using Oils for Nervous System Regulation

In order to achieve this, you’ll want to blend scents to balance your oils.

Up-regulating oil + Down-regulating oil = the Perfect Balance.

Combine 1-2 essential oils that are up-regulating along with 1-2 oils that are grounding or down-regulating as shown in the diagram below:

I am drawn to combining citrus oils with a grounding tree oil. It just gives me the balance I am looking for.

Because our sense of smell acts quickly, when we inhale an aroma, or essential oil, it reaches our brain almost immediately so this can help us IN THE MOMENT.

Three Ways Essential Oils are Used:

  • Aromatic (Diffusing)
  • Topical (Wearing on the body)
  • Internal (Ingesting)

For nervous system regulation purposes, aromatic and topical applications work best.


The simple act of smelling the oils directly from the bottle, or doing a “scent tent” where you apply a drop or 2 in your hands, cup your hands over your nose and inhale. 

This immediately ignites a deep breath in and a long exhale out, repeat and feel your shoulders lower and your tension release.

Another way to use the aromatic inhalation method is to use a diffuser. 

There are many options to choose from on the market, if you need help deciding what would best fit your specific needs, reach out to me and I can provide recommendations.

I love to start my diffuser in the morning as a part of my routine, to set the vibe or intentions for that day. 

Questions I ask myself before choosing a scent:

💫 How do I want to feel that day? 
💫 Do I need help boosting my mood? 
💫 Do I need support in calming down stress? 
💫 Will I be working on a project that I could use support in staying focused? 

And then I choose my oils to diffuse accordingly.

Topical Oil Application

Topical application would be applying the oils to the skin in the form of a serum or the most commonly used form, a roller bottle. This is a glass bottle with a metal or stone roller top, composed of essential oils with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. 

This is a great choice for application because you’re getting the aromatic benefits but you also are getting the host of health support that comes from topical application. 

This application method is also budget friendly, making your essential oils last longer and have a longer lifespan.

Using high quality essential oils is essential. You want to make sure there are no synthetic or chemical fillers as these are directly working with your nervous system and organs.

An oil blend along with your other tried and true nervous system regulation tools is the ULTIMATE! The oils only ENHANCE your other regulation tools.

Scent Conditioning

What is it?

Studies show that scents can transform emotions through associations and then act as proxies for emotions, influencing how we feel later on.

How to do it:

Pair essential oils with other stress relieving or nervous system regulating activities such as meditation, somatic exercises, breathing exercises, journaling, listening to binaural beats…

Combining the scent/oil with the regulation toil, will then later help regulate you just by smelling that scent again! It will help “bring you back” to that peaceful or regulated state.


So, when you’re using oils while you regulate, you are locking in a regulated memory! The ultimate brain hack!

If you are ready to get started with some high quality essential oils to help regulate your nervous system, or just want to learn more, come say hi on Instagram @huxenandco.

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