
Mother’s Day Rituals to Celebrate with Your Mom

It’s time to celebrate that special someone in our lives again

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Mother and her child bond
Reading Time: 4 minutes

It’s time to celebrate that special someone in our lives again (no, not your husband); it’s Mother’s Day again. Sometimes though, it can be hard to know how to recognize her. If you ever feel like you’re not quite sure what to give, you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve put together this handy guide to help you navigate the sea of ideas and create rituals that bring you together year after year.

The first thing we need to keep in mind is that gift-giving is about the individual receiving, not the person giving. That means that while you may love sushi and feel like an evening at your favorite sushi restaurant would be the perfect gift idea, your mom might not be so sure. Similarly, it’s important to consider if the receiver likes a big fuss or something more low-key.

It can be helpful to review the five love languages and think about which might relate most to your own mom. Not everyone has the same way of expressing or feeling love. Therefore, while you may feel that sending a physical gift is the best way to honor someone, what they might be pining for is a little bit of quality time together. If you’re not familiar with the five love languages, there’s a quiz to take to figure out yours

Step 1: Discover your mom’s love language

Words of affirmation

  • How to communicate: Encourage, affirm, appreciate, empathize. Listen actively.
  • Actions to take: Send an unexpected note, text, or card. Genuinely encourage, and often.

Physical Touch

  • How to communicate: Non verbal – use body language and touch to express love.
  • Actions to take: Hug, kiss, hold hands, show physical affection often.

Receiving Gifts

  • How to communicate: Thoughtfulness, make your mom a priority, speak purposefully.
  • Actions to take: Give thoughtful gifts and gestures. Small things matter in a big way. Express gratitude when receiving a gift.

Quality time

  • How to communicate: Uninterrupted and focused conversations. One-on-one time is critical.
  • Actions to take: Create special moments together, take walks, and do small things with her.

Acts of Service

  • How to communicate: Use action phrases like “I’ll help…”. They want to know you’re with them, partnered with them.
  • Actions to take: Do chores together or make them breakfast in bed. Go out of your way to help alleviate their daily workload.

Step 2: Based on her love language, offer a “gift” that’s appropriate

Be it a trip to the spa, a home-cooked meal, or a big hug, there are thousands of ways to honor the mom’s in our lives, but if you’re stuck for ideas, start a ritual for the two of you to share every mothers day is a great way to connect.

Rituals to Celebrate the Woman Who Does It All: 

  • Go on a picnic 
    • Nature is our great healer, it calms our nerves and relieves stress, which, after years of raising you, she could probably use. Enjoy the outdoors in a simple setting together, undisturbed by waiters, sounds of the city, and other interruptions.
  • Take a family photo (make sure she gets a framed picture afterward)
    • It often seems the more you love someone, the less pictures you have with them. If you’ve left home though, your mom may not have many keepsakes to remember you by, especially if she’s not connected on social media. Documenting your family and togetherness is special to look back on, and fun to remember as the years pass.
  • Let her teach you something
    • Mothers spend a lot of time teaching you as you grow up and now that you’re older, you may not need her as much. Asking her to teach you something is a gift that shows you’re still her biggest fan and she inspires you, even in adulthood.
  • Learn something together
    • Cooking class, weaving, metalworking, the ‘what’ is not important, it’s the time spent doing something fun together — be sure to let her pick. Who knows, she might just pick up a new hobby.
  • Plant something together 
    • Skip the flowers. Instead, plant some herbs, perennial plants, or a tree that she can watch grow and that will act as a reminder of your time together. Depending on the plant, she can even use it in her cooking.
  • If there are young children in the house, give her alone time
    • Set up a time for a sitter, order in a meal, and let her have a few hours uninterrupted. Alternatively, you can take the kids off her hands for the day. 😉

Among all the cute ideas that perdure as Mother’s Day gifts, there are a few that in our opinion need to go. 


  • Breakfast in Bed
    • Why: No one wants to eat in bed. There are crumbs, it’s messy, and it’s awkward. Not a treat.
  • Brunch Out
    • Why: So overdone. It’s crowded, expensive, mundane, and boring. The wait to get in and to get the food is long, and it just doesn’t feel special.
  • The Cute Coupons
    • Why: You’re asking her to do more work by asking you. Not to mention, she has to worry about whether or not it’s convenient for you. Just do the task without her having to redeem a coupon for said item or service.

At the end of the day, what your Mom really wants is a little attention from you. A heartfelt thank you for everything she does for you and a little time to relax are perfect. Don’t worry too much, you know her best, and how she would like to be celebrated on her special day.

Read Next: Rituals to Celebrate Yourself on Mother’s Day

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